Quantum of Science, „kvant nauke“ ili skoro nešto kao „zrno nauke“ naziv je bloga koji je osnovan 2015. Međutim, djelatnost Društva „Nauka i svijet“ je godinama poslije kreiranja ovog bloga prerasla formu bloga, a dizajn je zastario. Stoga smo morali redizajnirati i rebrendirati ovaj kanal komunikacije, što je prilično težak zadatak, pogotovo ako imate već prepoznatljivu stvar. Zato smo Quantum of Science ostavili kao jednu reminiscenciju na stari blog, i to kao kategoriju na ovom novom websiteu. Ova kategorija obuhvata eksplanatorne članke, priče o nauci, objašnjava neke stvari. Ovo je način da nastavimo kontinuitet od 2015. i pokažemo zahvalnost i ovom blogu i našoj publici. Za nas je Quantum of Science zametak naše ideje djelovanja, motivacija i inspiracija. Ne želimo ga se odreći i ne želimo da on bude žrtva rebrendiranja. On ostaje s nama, kao mali dragulj, spomenik jednoj ideji.

Quantum of Science means something like “The Grain Of Science”, the smallest amount of science -that is the name of the blog that was founded in 2015. However, years after the creation of this blog, the activity of the Society “Science and the World” outgrew the form of a blog, and the design became outdated. Therefore, we had to redesign and rebrand this communication channel, which is quite a difficult task, especially if you already have a recognizable thing. That’s why we left Quantum of Science as a reminiscence of the old blog, and as a category on this new website. This category includes explanatory articles, stories about science, explains some things. This is a way to continue the continuity from 2015 and show our gratitude to both this blog and our audience. For us, Quantum of Science is the seed of our idea of action, motivation and inspiration. We don’t want to give him up and we don’t want him to be a victim of rebranding. It remains with us, like a small gem, a monument to an idea.